Outdoor Bliss - Exklusive Outdoor-Essmöbel für Cafés und Restaurants Was wäre, wenn Ihre Outdoor-Dining-Möbel im Restaurantbereich mehr könnten, als nur gut auszusehen? Und was, wenn sie Ihnen helfen könnten, wenige Qua...
Was ist Teakholz und wie pflegt man es? Teakholz ist eine tropische Holzart mit einer natürlichen goldbraunen Farbe. Teakholz wird häufig für Außenmöbel verwendet und wegen seiner Festigkeit, ...
Outdoor Derby feiert sein 25-jähriges Jubiläum Eine Geschichte von Innovation und zeitlosem Design Wir möchten Sie auf eine Reise durch die Geschichte des Derby-Stuhls mitnehmen, und wer könnte die...
Fall favourites The fall is upon us and we have handpicked a selection of our fall favourites to enchance your outdoor space and make som magical memories in the chang...
Garden furniture in quality wood Garden furniture is an important part of any exterior decoration and can have a great impact on how your outdoor area feels and is perceived. While ther...
5 Tipps der Stylistin wie Sie Ihren Außenbereich frühlingsfit machen Photo credit: @catesthill, @portside_luxury, @_wohnblock_, @havedagbogen Machen Sie Ihren Außenbereich frühlingsfit mit ein paar einfachen Styling-T...
Sustainability Prinzipien der sozialen Verantwortung Bei Cane-line sind wir der Überzeugung, dass die Verantwortung für die Umwelt und die Menschen eng mit dem Design und der Herstellung von Möbel und Acc...
A talk with interior designer Gloria Sanchez We sat down with Gloria Sanchez, director and founder of Tailored Living Interiors, and had a chat about outdoor spaces. Gloria is trained as an interio...
Tipps der Stylistin: 3 Ideen für die Lounge im Außenbereich OUTDOOR LOUNGE Endlich ist es an der Zeit für Sonne und Sommer, und das heißt Gemütlichkeit draußen auf der Terrasse! Während wir immer mehr Zeit im...
A Holiday Gift Guide The Christmas season is around the corner which means it's time to start thinking about what might be on the wishlists of your nearest and dearest this...
Indoor 5 great ideas for utilizing your space See our Barstools Barstools Release space on the floor by using bar chairs without a back, instead of regular chairs. Bar chairs have the advantage...
Designer Outdoor Søren Rose Studio & Cane-line – eine exzellente Zusammenarbeit Es entsteht Magie, wenn man skandinavische Designgeschichte mit Inspirationen aus den USA, Südeuropa und Asien würzt. Das dänische Designunternehmen Can...
Outdoor Sustainability Die globalen Nachhaltigkeitsziele & gesellschaftliche Verantwortung Bei Cane-line ist Verantwortlichkeit und Nachhaltigkeit ein wichtiger Teil unserer DNA und unsere Kernwerte. Daher unterstützen wie aktiv die UN-Weltzie...
Designer Outdoor Strand+Hvass creates supremely comfortable design with focus on the consumer In 2021, Cane-line launches an exclusive new version of a true classic for the terraces and balconies – a folding table and folding chair. Both items t...
Outdoor 3 lovely sunbeds for your terrace We can provide you with three solutions on, how you can add exclusive vacation vibes into your outdoor space with one of our comfy sunbeds. Imagine you...
Outdoor How to choose the right outdoor furniture When choosing outdoor furniture, there is multiple things to consider. An important thing to consider is the choice of material for your future outdoor ...
Outdoor Sustainability How to take care of your garden furniture during autumn and winter Summer is coming to an end, and we spend less time outside. Soon the garden, terrace and outdoor furniture must be prepared for the autumn and winter s...
Outdoor Allergy-friendly rugs Rugs are a unique and stylish element for any interior design and outdoor environment. A rug creates cosiness, gives an exclusive vibe and is a defining...
Indoor What is Rattan? Rattan is a flexible and natural material that can be weaved into many different things, including furniture. There are over 600 species of rattan in th...
Indoor Cane-line Indoor Collection 2020 The summer might come to an end soon, but that does not mean that interior for autumn should be dark and boring. We are happy to introduce our new indoo...
Outdoor Sustainability Lounge furniture in the rain QuickDry & Airflow system Cane-line has developed the QuickDry & Airflow system, which ensures that cushions with the unique QuickDryFoam® dri...
The home of Friederike, Germany Our German ambassador, Friederike Weiler lives with her husband and children in her German hometown of Northern Hesse. She is 35 years old, mother, wif...
Outdoor Staycation The theme for this year’s summer vacation is without a doubt “staycation”. A phenomenon that supports the idea of staying home for the summer instead of...
Outdoor Küche im Freien Drop ist der Name von Cane-lines kompletter Küchenserie, die ein Outdoor-Kükonzept mit zugehörigem Gewächshaus, einem Esstisch und einem Bartisch umfass...
Outdoor Balcony inspiration Are you struggling with how to decorate your balcony? Maybe you are dreaming about creating a cosy corner or a small dining area that you can enjoy on t...
Outdoor Find the table that suits you perfectly At Cane-line, you find a wide range of designer tables. With our various collections, you can find a table with a design that matches your needs. With o...
Outdoor Guide to use your planters Plants inside and outside of our home create great well-being and provides wonderful vibes from nature. With planters you can quickly transform your out...
Outdoor Choose the right parasol that suits your outerior You have made your garden, terrace or balcony beautiful, you have invested in comfortable furniture, and now you are ready to spend a lot of hours outsi...
Outdoor The modular sofa that fits you perfectly The module concept gives you an unique opportunity to create your new sofa group - just the way you like it. Let your creativity run freely by putting t...
Outdoor Create a personal lounge area with the colours that are trending right now Need some inspiration on how to get more colour in your everyday life? We have some great tips on how to freshen up your lounge area easily, making it ...
Outdoor Here you can find the sofa that fits you At Cane-line you will find a wide range of designs of sofas and sunbeds. We have created 19 different series, so you will without a doubt be able to fin...
Outdoor What style are you looking for in your outdoor space? Are you also a big fan of the Nordic interior style, and do you need some inspiration on how to decorate your outdoor space? Maybe you are dreaming of a...
Sustainability Ein Brief von CEO Brian Djernes Wir beschäftigen uns täglich mit Klimawandel, Nachhaltigkeit und den UN-Nachhaltigkeitszielen. Seitdem diesen Bereichen größere Aufmerksamkeit gewidmet ...